- 2022/06/25 [NLP/Dialogue] Stylized Knowledge-Grounded Dialogue Generation via Disentangled Template Rewriting
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- 2021/05/07 [Stanford/CS224n] [14] Transformers and self attention for generative models
- 2021/05/03 [Stanford/CS224n] [13] Contextual Word Representation and Pretraining
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- 2021/04/21 [Stanford/CS224n] [4] backpropagation & computational graph
- 2021/04/19 [Stanford/CS224n] [5] Dependency Parsing
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- 2021/04/11 [Stanford/CS224n] [1] Word Vectors
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- 2021/04/03 [Stanford/CS224n] Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning
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- 2021/03/16 [NLP/PLM] BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
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- 2021/02/18 [Python] konlpy 형태소 분류기 비교
- 2021/02/17 [Python] hwp를 pdf로 바꾸기
- 2021/02/14 [NLP/Attention] Attention is All You Need
- 2021/02/12 [ML/DL] ExtraTreesClassifier, XGBoost : further Ensemble model
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- 2021/01/30 [ML/DL] Ensemble & Decision Tree - 핸즈온 머신러닝 Chap 7
- 2021/01/29 [ML/DL] Decision Tree - 핸즈온 머신러닝 Chap 6
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- 2021/01/22 [ML/DL] support vector machine (SVM) - 핸즈온 머신러닝 Chap 5
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- 2021/01/20 [NLP paper] Natural Language Processing Reveals Vulnerable Mental Health Support Groups and Heightened Health Anxiety on Reddit During COVID-19: Observational Study
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- 2021/01/19 [NLP] n-gram란 ?
- 2021/01/19 [ML/DL] Unsupervised Learning - 핸즈온 머신러닝 Chap 9
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- 2021/01/18 [ML/DL] 차원축소 Dimension reduction (projection, manifold + t-sne, LDA) - 핸즈온 머신러닝 Chap 8
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- 2021/01/11 [ML/DL] Overall Machine Learning - 핸즈온 머신러닝 Chap 1,2
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- 2020/10/27 [Programmers] 알고리즘 오랜만에 복습 [3] BFS,DFS - 타켓 넘버, 네트워크
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- 2020/08/03 [Python] 백준 알고리즘 완전탐색 : Brute Force) 1476, 9095, 10819, 10971, 1697, 1963, 9019, 2251
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- 2020/07/13 [Python] 자료구조 구현[1] : stack, queue, linked list
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- 2020/05/25 [RNN]Seq2Seq : Neural Machine Translation 이론
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